Post – Operative Instructions
Out patient Knee or Ankle Arthroscopy
- Your Follow Up Appointment: A follow up appointment should be made to see Dr. Jabbour between 2 and 10 days following surgery.
- Your Bandages and Taking a Shower: The dressing may be removed after 2 days. It is better to keep the incisions dry and to apply Band Aid. Do not get the incisions wet for at least 3 days following surgery. Do not soak your leg in bath water for at least 1 week. It is normal to have yellowish discoloration around your incisions. This is from the special betadine solution used during surgery. Do not attempt to scrub it off.
- Walking After Surgery: Your knee may be numb for about 6 hours following your surgery. Use your crutches to keep your weight off it for at least 6 hours following your surgery. You may then safely put as much weight as you can tolerate on the leg, unless otherwise instructed. You will probably want to use the crutches for at least a few days following the surgery.
- Activity After Surgery: Try to rest the knee or ankle as much as possible for the first week, and limit the amount of walking and standing you have to do. When you are resting, elevate the leg on some pillows or a chair to limit the amount of bleeding and swelling in the joint. It is recommended to move the knee or ankle unless instructed otherwise.
- Pain Medications: You will be given prescription for pain medicine such as Lortab or Darvocet Narcotics, which can cause drowsiness, light headedness, stomach upset or constipation. Nausea is not uncommon in the first 24 hours if the medicine is taken on an empty stomach.
An anti-inflammatory medication (such as Vioxx, Celebrex, Advil, alleve) can decrease swelling and pain in the knee. If it upsets your stomach, stop taking it.
In addition to the pain relievers, I would like you to take one aspirin daily for 2 weeks following the surgery. You may substitute Bufferin, Ascriptin, or some other form of aspirin if you wish. The purpose of this is not to relieve pain, but to reduce the chance of venous thrombosis, blood clot. Please inform me if you cannot take aspirin.