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Healthcare News

  • 9 Exercises to Ease Shoulder Pain

    Shoulder aches and weakness put a crimp in routine activities from playing sports and carrying toddlers to hauling groceries and swinging hammers. Below, experts in strength and body mechanics offer tips on shoulder exercises to help you live well, function better and ultimately become stronger and free of shoulder pain.

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  • Stay at home but don't stay still,' researchers recommend

    The adverse side effects of the social isolation measures implemented to combat COVID-19 include an increase in sedentary behavior and physical inactivity, which can contribute to a deterioration in cardiovascular health even in the short term. Older people and people with chronic diseases tend to be most affected.

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  • When is the optimal time for knee surgery and rehabilitation after knee dislocation?

    Surgery is typically necessary to treat the injury. But should it be done immediately after the injury happens?

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  • The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons
  • American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine
  • aana
  • American Medical Association
  • Tulsa County Medical Society
  • The University of Tulsa